
Tap into a global database of 40M+ entities at lightning speed. Ditch manual research, save hours of work, and thousands in costs. Transform your market research today.

Trusted by leading organizations

We help you convert company data into actionable insights

industries served across sectors
organizations covered
reduction in research hours compared to manual analysis

We create automated and custom profiles of the companies that matter most to you. Unlock a market analysis tailored to your needs:

Data enrichment

Enrich your in-house company data with detailed GDPR conform information.

Company scouting

Source companies globally from any industry based on keywords, existing suppliers or ICPs. 

Region analysis

Map tech and sustainability hotspots and benchmark regions.

Network analysis

Uncover company networks and identify central actors.

Time-series analysis

Combine historical and up-to-data data to discover trends and dynamics in the market.

Strategic insights delivered across sectors

We support consultancies and corporate departments with insights into industry trends, emerging technologies, and competitive landscapes. Our services enable strategy teams in innovation management, internal M&A, and corporate strategy to deliver high-impact.
City offices, chambers, clusters, ministries and industrial associations use our region analysis to shape policies, monitor innovation ecosystems,  track trends, benchmark performance, and drive innovation for their members.
Financial firms & institutions
Banks, private equity firms, and venture capital firms leverage us for investment analysis, and risk assessment. We empower them to identify promising startups, evaluate market opportunities, and maximize returns while mitigating risks in dynamic markets.
Universities and research institutes leverage our services for scholarly studies on business ecosystems, innovation patterns, and economic networks.
Data brokers & Saas providers
Data brokers and saas providers integrate our enriched datasets into their services and platforms, enabling clients access to enhanced, precise, and reliable insights directly for smarter decision-making.
Supply chain & compliance teams
Supply chain and other teams looking for compliance tracking use our solutions to identify partners, monitor supplier performance, and ensure compliance with sustainability standards. We streamline supplier scouting and enhances supply chain resilience.

See how we helped clients from your sector

Sonja Wilkens
Lead Startup & Funding City of Mannheim
How the City of Mannheim benefits from access to our database on a daily basis.
“Gerade wenn es darum geht, über einen gewissen Zeitraum immer mal wieder Daten zu erheben, zu vergleichen und Veränderungen zu analysieren, ist es extrem hilfreich, eine Plattform wie ISTARI.AI zu haben.”
Prof. Dr. Svenja Falk
Managing Director Accenture Research
How Accenture benefited from our analysis.
“Generating insights from data will be the key differentiator. It takes far more than data and models. It requires capabilities to generate these insights that will make a real difference to your business, to your processes, to your academic work. ISTARI.AI masters this.”
Dr. Lingbo Liu
Harvard University
How a researcher at Harvard understood innovation in the Chinese market with our help.
“Without ISTARI.AI gathering and processing the necessary data would have been incredibly time consuming and expensive, traditional methods would have taken months.”

Scan the global economy in just 4 steps with webAI®


1. You define

Your individual use case defines what we are looking for and in what format your results need to be delivered. Search parameters can be keywords, reference companies and/ or a choice from our existing set of 50+ company indicators.

2. We search

We search our global database of 100 million+ companies to find relevant companies related to your search parameters.

3. We analyze

Our webAI deep scans the identified companies and curates individual profiles with exactly the information you need.

4. We deliver

Ready-to-use insights like company list, market reports or detailed company profiles handed over to you.

We take data security very seriously

We maintain high compliance and transparency, so there’s no need to worry about GDPR violations or privacy risks. Built to meet the most rigorous European compliance standards, ISTARI.AI collects data from public sources and trade registers, hosts its servers in Europe, and shows you exactly how its data is sourced.
Truly GDPR compliant
Built on public and trade register data
Hosting and data processing in Europe
Full transparency on data sources

Curious? Let’s get you started with a custom market report

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